
Heavy-metal-containing humic colloids from seepage water samples of three different municipal waste disposal plants were characterized in terms of molecular weight, hydrodynamic radius and heavy metal content. The size distribution of the colloids was determined with ultrafiltration (UF) and flow field-flow fractionation (flow FFF). The humic colloids in the seepage water samples were characterized using an off-line coupling of flow FFF with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for humic substances. The heavy metals in the different size fractions obtained by UF and flow FFF were determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The colloid size distributions obtained with UF showed a maximum of the distribution in the range 1–10 nm. Seepage water samples with high colloid concentrations had a second maximum in the range 0.1–1 μm. The determination of colloid size with flow FFF gave different colloid size distributions for the three waste disposal seepage waters, whereas water from the oldest disposal plant showed the smallest colloid size with a maximum at 0.9 nm and water from the most recent plant showed the largest colloid size with a maximum at 1.3 nm. The determination of particle classes with regard to the chemical composition using a scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence detector (SEM/EDX) showed that the particles can be divided into five classes: silicates, insoluble salts, iron(hydr)oxides, carbonates and organic colloids (humic colloids). Flow FFF/ELISA off-line coupling showed that the most frequently occurring colloids of the seepage waters were humic colloids and investigation of the UF-size-fractions with AAS showed that up to 77% of the total mass of a heavy metal element can be bound to particles, especially to humic colloids. Additionally, the distributions of the heavy metals Fe, Cu and Zn were investigated with flow FFF/AAS off-line coupling. These results also showed that a substantial amount of these heavy metals (up to 46%) was bound to humic colloids.

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