
Bisphenol A (BPA) widely used in the manufacture of numerous products is ubiquitous in aquatic environment. To explore the mechanisms of BPA-mediated actions, male rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus were exposed to BPA at concentrations of 5, 15, and 50μg/L for 14 and 35days in the present study. Four subtypes of nr5a gene encoding important transcription factors for steroidogenesis were characterized, and tissue distribution analysis demonstrated distinct expression profiling of the four genes in G. rarus. BPA at environmentally relevant concentration (5μg/L) caused increase of gonadosomatic index (GSI) of male fish. In response to BPA, no obvious changes on the testis development were observed. Modulation of vtg mRNA expression by BPA suggests estrogenic and/or anti-estrogenic effects of BPA were dependent on exposed duration (14 or 35days). Gene expression profiling for testicular steroidogenesis-related genes, sexual steroid receptors, gonadotropin receptors, and transcription factors indicates differential regulation was dependent on exposure duration and dose of BPA. The correlation analysis at mRNA level demonstrates that the BPA-mediated actions on testicular steroidogenesis might involve sex steroid hormone receptor signaling, gonadotropin/gonadotropin receptor pathway, and transcription factors such as nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A (Nr5a), fork head box protein L2 (Foxl2).

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