
Various ‘well dried’ solid celluloses, such as nativecelluloses from different sources, different pulps and regenerated cellulosefibers were compared by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS) in the lowfrequency (10 mHz to 5 MHz) and low temperature(−130 to 20 °C) range. No significant differences werefound in the polymeric dynamics. In addition, the influence of the watercontenton the β-relaxation and the βwet relaxation wasinvestigated for morphologically very different celluloses such as cottonlinters, highly amorphous bead cellulose and lyocell fibers. The lyocell fiberswere investigated in the unmodified form and after modification by a treatmentwith alkali, after mild bleaching and after chemical crosslinking. It was foundthat the water content influences the dielectric dynamics and the intensityparameters differently for these different materials. NaOH-activation usingdifferent lye concentrations also influenced the dielectric dynamics. Finally,opportunities and limitations of DRS as a diagnostic tool are discussed.

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