
High rates of relative sea level rise can cause coastal wetland submergence, jeopardizing the stability of soil organic matter (SOM) sequestered within wetlands. Following submergence, SOM can be lost through mineralization, exported into the coastal ocean, or reburied within adjacent subtidal sediments. By combining measures of soil physicochemical properties, microbial community abundance, organic carbon fractionation, and stable isotope signatures, this study characterized subsurface SOM within a coastal wetland to inform its potential fate under altered environmental conditions. Nine soil cores were collected to a depth of 150 cm from a wetland currently experiencing rapid erosion and submergence within Barataria Bay, LA (USA), and were sectioned into 10 cm intervals. Each soil segment was analyzed to determine total carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) content, as well as extractable ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3−), and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP). Extractable NH4+ and SRP concentrations increased 7× and 11×, respectively, between 0–10 cm and 130–140 cm. Through quantitative PCR, number of gene copies of bacteria and sulfate reduction genes were found to decrease with depth while there was no change in number of gene copies of archaea. This study also demonstrated only small decreases in labile: refractory C ratios with depth; by combining δ15N data with labile:refractory C ratios and no observed change in C:N ratios with depth, we inferred the presence of minimally processed organic material within deep soils and high nutrient availability, challenging the applicability of the traditional theory of selective preservation and decreased soil quality with depth. As wetland submergence progresses and soils are exposed to oxygenated seawater, this relatively labile SOM and bioavailable N and P stored at depth has the potential for rapid mineralization and/or export into the coastal zone.

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