
When compared with white rice, pigmented rice varieties are considered as functional food source because of its nutritional and phytochemical composition. The present study was carried out with the samples such as Native White Rice Flour (NWRF), Native Black Rice Flour (NBRF), Dual Modified White Rice Flour (DMWRF) and Dual Modified Black Rice Flour (DMBRF) with the objective to evaluate effect of enzymatic and heat moisture treatment on proximate composition, structural and pasting parameters of black rice flour. The result showed that the effect of enzymatic and heat moisture treatment had significant impact on nutrient composition of both modified rice flour. In both the native samples the percentage of crystallinity decreased after enzymatic and heat moisture treatment. The results of pasting parameters showed, the final viscosity and setback decreased in the native samples (NWRF and NBRF). It was well evident in this study, the effect of enzymatic and heat moisture treatment caused significant changes in the proximate composition, structural and pasting properties of native sample variety. The findings of the study will have beneficial role in black rice flour-based food product development and food processing industry.

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