
Baboon high-density lipoproteins (HDL) were isolated by preparative ultracentrifugation between d = 1.063 and 1.215 g/mL. The HDL contains 48.8% protein and a lipid distribution similar to human HDL. The phospholipid distribution shows a low sphingomyelin value (5.9%), and the fatty acid composition of HDL is comparable to the human data except for the 18:1/18:2 ratio as a result of a higher 18:1 content in the CE and a lower 18:2 concentration in the PL. The major HDL apoproteins isolated on diethylaminoethyl-cellulose had a mobility on sodium dodecyl sulfate--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and a molecular weight and an amino acid composition similar to human apoA-I. However, the amino acid sequence of the first 30 residues of baboon apoA-I differed from the human apoprotein in residues 15 and 21. Treatment of apoA-I with carboxypeptidase A indicated a carboxyl-terminal sequence of Leu-Ser-Thr-Gln. Baboon apoHDL contained monomeric apoA-II with the mobility of monomeric human apoA-II and a molecular weight of 8500. The amino acid composition differed from the human apoA-II by the presence of arginine and by the absence of half-cystine and isoleucine. The circular dichroic spectra of apoA-I and apoA-II demonstrated a higher helicity compared to the human apoproteins. Recombination studies by microcalorimetry of apoHDL with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) indicated similarities in the thermodynamic binding properties of the HDL apoproteins from man and baboon. The maximal-binding enthalpies of DMPC to apoHDL, apoA-I, and apoA-II were lower for the baboon than for the human apoprotein.

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