
One mechanism for transport of energy and particles in a plasma is by discrete, intermittent, uncorrelated events, often called avalanches. This paper reports observations and quantitative characterization of avalanche events in a magnetically confined plasma. The observations are primarily of electron temperature fluctuations. Avalanches are identified by their large spatial scale, up to the system size, by self-similar behavior in the frequency spectrum and the autocorrelation function and by propagation. The two-point cross-correlation function allows determination of a characteristic velocity, which typically varies from several hundred meters per second in the outer part of the plasma to zero or even inward near the axis. This can be interpreted as resulting from the prevalence of negative avalanches (i.e., holes) near the axis. The presence of a long-tailed probability distribution is indicated by a Hurst parameter (H) in the range 0.80 to 0.95, which becomes smaller in the outer quarter of the plasma radius. Density fluctuation spectra from the plasma core also show self-similar behavior. Power transport estimates show that about half of the heat flux is carried by the avalanche events under conditions with no magnetohydrodynamic activity. These observations are qualitatively similar to results of modeling calculations based on drift wave turbulence. It is reasonable to infer that avalanches are the macroscopic manifestation of turbulence which inherently has a small spatial scale and, thus, allow a local, gyro-Bohm scaling process to show global Bohm-type behavior.

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