
A new hexanuclear plutonium cluster has been stabilized in aqueous media with acetate ligands. To probe the formation of such a complex structure, visible-near infrared (vis-NIR) absorption spectroscopy, extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy, and density functional theory (DFT) were combined. The presence of Pu6O4(OH)4(CH3COO)12 species in solution was first detected by vis-NIR and EXAFS spectroscopy. To confirm unambiguously this structure, EXAFS spectra were simulated from ab initio calculations. Debye-Waller factors and structural parameters were derived from DFT calculations. A large number of 5f electrons were treated as valence or core electrons using small- and large-core relativistic effective pseudopotentials. It is possible to reproduce accurately the EXAFS spectrum of the octahedral hexamer cluster at both levels of calculations. Further DFT and EXAFS calculations were performed on clusters of lower or higher nuclearities and of different geometries using the 5f-core approximation. The result shows that trimer, tetramer, flat hexamer, and even 16-mer clusters exhibit different EXAFS patterns and confirm the very specific octahedral hexanuclear EXAFS signature.

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