
Introduction: The murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) is an accepted and widely used method for assessing the skin-sensitizing potential of chemicals. Here, we describe a non-radio isotopic modified LLNA in which adenosine triphosphate (ATP) content is used as an endpoint instead of radioisotope (RI); the method is termed LLNA modified by Daicel based on ATP content (LLNA-DA). Methods: Groups of female CBA/JNCrlj mice were treated topically on the dorsum of both ears with test chemicals or a vehicle control on days 1, 2, and 3; an additional fourth application was conducted on day 7. Pretreatment with 1% sodium lauryl sulfate solution was performed 1 h before each application. On day 8, the amount of ATP in the draining auricular lymph nodes was measured as an alternative endpoint by the luciferin–luciferase assay in terms of bioluminescence (relative light units, RLU). A stimulation index (SI) relative to the concurrent vehicle control was derived based on the RLU value, and an SI of 3 was set as the cut-off value. Results: Using the LLNA-DA method, 31 chemicals were tested and the results were compared with those of other test methods. The accuracy of LLNA-DA vs LLNA, guinea pig tests, and human tests was 93% (28/30), 80% (20/25), and 79% (15/19), respectively. The estimated concentration (EC) 3 value was calculated and compared with that of the original LLNA. It was found that the EC3 values obtained by LLNA-DA were almost equal to those obtained by the original LLNA. Discussion: The SI value based on ATP content is similar to that of the original LLNA as a result of the modifications in the chemical treatment procedure, which contribute to improving the SI value. It is concluded that LLNA-DA is a promising non-RI alternative method for evaluating the skin-sensitizing potential of chemicals.

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