
A novel bioactive peptide was recently isolated from ovine hypothalamus and was named PACAP (pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide). PACAP was present in two bioactive, amidated forms, PACAP27 and PACAP38 (27 and 38 amino acids, respectively), and showed a 68% sequence homology with vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in the N-terminal 28 residues. PACAP38 was at least 1000 times more potent than VIP in stimulating adenylate cyclase in pituitary cells, but both peptides exhibited comparable vasodepressor activity. Thus, we sought to determine whether PACAP acts on specific binding sites in the anterior pituitary or other tissues and whether these binding sites are different from those of VIP. Binding of [125I] PACAP27 to freshly prepared rat anterior pituitary membranes in the presence and absence of 212 nM unlabeled PACAP27 was specific, saturable, and more rapid at 22 C than at 4 C. Scatchard analysis of this binding site using increasing doses of unlabeled PACAP27 revealed a single high affinity site with a Kd of 446 +/- 141 pM and a maximum number of sites of 1312 +/- 182 fmol/mg protein. These results do not exclude the possibility of a second pituitary binding site with significantly lower affinity. Unlabeled PACAP38 and PACAP38OH exhibited significantly higher affinity binding (3- to 5-fold) than PACAP27 with a similar number of pituitary sites. A variable distribution of binding sites was observed between PACAP27 and VIP when binding to different tissue membranes was measured with 125I-labeled peptides. Very high specific binding of both PACAP27 and VIP was observed in lung membranes. An almost identical relative magnitude of binding was observed between PACAP27 and VIP in lung, liver, duodenum, ovary, and thymus. However, whereas PACAP27 binding to hypothalamic and pituitary membranes was great, VIP binding to these tissues was almost absent. To determine if VIP and PACAP might share a binding site in peripheral tissues, displacement curves were generated using [125I]PACAP27 binding to lung membranes and VIP, PACAP27, and PACAP38 as unlabeled ligands. VIP was highly potent in displacing [125I] PACAP27 binding in lung membrane, and the IC50 values for all three of these peptides were between 1-10 nM. These results suggest that 1) a saturable, high affinity binding site for PACAP is present on anterior pituitary membranes; 2) PACAP27 and PACAP38, but not VIP, share this binding site in the anterior pituitary and possibly the hypothalamus; and 3) PACAP27, PACAP38, and VIP share a similar or identical binding site on lung membranes and possibly other peripheral tissues.

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