
A semi-detailed fixed grid soil survey of Dingyadi District was conducted in order to obtain comprehensive soil data for characterization and classification. Three soil mapping units TLL1, TUP2 and TUP3 were identified on the basis of land forms and surface texture. Morphological properties of the soil reveal that soil unit TLL1 is deep, imperfectly drained and generally loamy sand in texture. TUP2 was well drained with deep rooting zone and texture varies from loamy sand on the surface to sandy clay loam in the subsoil. Soil unit TUP3 has an impermeable layer at less than 50 cm depth with generally gravelly sand texture. Physical properties of the soils indicate a relative high bulk density and low porosity. Mean equilibrium infiltration rates (MEIR) (cmhr-1) for soil units TLL1, TUP2 and TUP3 were 20, 40 and 32 respectively. The dominant exchangeable bases were calcium and magnesium with the soils having high base saturation. The soils were neutral to slightly alkaline in reaction. Organic matter, available P, total N and CEC contents of the soils were generally low. According to USDA Soil Taxonomy System, soil units TLL1, TUP 2, and TUP 3 were classified as Typic Endoaqualfs, Typic Haplustepts and Lithic Ustorthents, respectively and correlate with Haplic Luvisols, Argic Lixisols and Ruptic Cambisols in WRB system of Classification.

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