
Based on the data from the pitting, geoelectrical prospectings, temperature measuring, and the divided layers frost-heaving instruments, this paper, first, discusses the structure features of active layers in this region, and proves the presence of the bowl-shaped frost table in the stone circles area. Second, it analyses the temperature distributive rule in the active layer, meantime, according to the vertical-profile parameters of granularity, clay mineral, salt content and resistivities, it also discusses the different features of permafrost structure and their control actions on the periglacial landform development between high and low places. It suggests that the four-layer structure should exist in the permafrost region (including under-bedrock), that is, active layer, frost sand and gravels layer, frost volcanic rock permeated by sea water, and frost volcanic rock unpermeated by sea water. Finally, the permafrost table and its vertical gradient are deduced.

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