
Problem definition. The constant transformation of external motives, which is caused by frequent changes in society and changes in the education system, requires a corresponding modification of the internal regulation of the students' personality. The existence of institutions with mixed education systems requires a study of the peculiarities of the motivation of the educational activities of the students in them, which is especially important in adolescence. Problem analysis. In the scientific literature, two main groups of types of motives are distinguished in the structure of educational motivation: external and internal. External motives include: social approval, study prestige, communication, fear of punishment, extracurricular educational motivation; to internal ones: achievement motivation, cognitive interest, self-realization, awareness of social necessity. The purpose of the study. To reveal the peculiarities of the motivation of educational activity in middle school students of institutions with different education systems. The research methods. Methodology for diagnosing the type of school motivation in schoolchildren" (E. Lepeshva). For mathematical and statistical processing, we used: factor analysis by the Varimax principal components method and φ - Fisher's angular transformation. Description of the sample. The sample consisted of 84 respondents. These are students of the 6th grade (12 years old) of secondary schools of the Donetsk region. They were divided into three groups. The first two groups consisted, respectively, of girls (30) and boys (24), who studied in classes exclusively with peers of the same sex. The third group is mixed, which included 15 girls and boys each. Conclusions No significant differences were found in the educational motivation of middle school students studying in institutions with different education systems for all motives, except for "extracurricular educational motivation" and "self-realization". The group of internal motives is the most pronounced among representatives of all three groups. The factor structure of the motivation of educational activity was created for each of the groups of motives. In girls who study in mixed classes, the phenomenon of "transformation" of the structure of the motivation of educational activities according to the male type was revealed.

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