
Results of research of cognitive visual evoked potentials at elderly women with various level of cognitive decline are shown in article. Both relevance of the early diagnostics of cognitive disorders and expedience of using of methods of functional neurovisualization to reveal higher cortical dysfunctions are shown also. To appraise cognitive functions we applied express-method of evaluating of cognitive functions during normal aging. According to results of this test two groups were created: the 1st - women without cognitive disorders, the 2nd - with mild cognitive impairment. The evoked potentials were registered for all participants with using of 128-channel system GES-300. Latency of P300-wave and reaction time were calculated. According to temporary characteristics of P300-wave it has been revealed that the group with cognitive decline differed in longer latent period in centro-temporo-parietal area of the left hemisphere, and also longer reaction time. However, latency of P300 in central-parietal areas of the right hemisphere was less than one at persons of the control group. These changes reflect dysfunction of structures of a medial temporal lobe which is expressed mainly by the memory disorders.

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