
Influence of food intake on hypothalamically induced avoidance reactions have been studied in rabbits. It was shown that first contact with food and beginning of food intake accompany with activation of avoidance reactions. Central action of cholecystokinin-octapeptide, pentagastrin, beta-endorphin and naloxone on avoidance reactions of fed and fasted rabbits before and during food intake was investigated. It was found that injection of cholecystokinin and naloxone, which had a satiated effect, act on avoidance reactions similarly in fed and fasted rabbits. Beta-endorphin inhibits avoidance behavior, and only pentagastrin activates avoidance reactions of fasted but not fed rabbits. It is concerned that influence of feeding motivation may modulate avoidance behavior by participation of endogenous gastrin-like peptide release into the perineuronal area during contact of rabbits with food and beginning of its intake.

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