
Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of newly reported HIV/AIDS cases in Henan province during 2010-2018, and to provide theoretical evidence for strategies on prevention and control. Methods: Information about newly reported HIV/AIDS cases in Henan between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2018 were collected from the National Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Information System. Excel 2010 and software SPSS 23.0 were used for data cleaning and statistical analysis. Results: During 2010-2018, a total of 41 223 HIV/AIDS cases were newly reported in Henan, and the number of newly reported HIV/AIDS cases increased from 3 087 in 2010 to 5 910 in 2018. Sexual contact was the predominant transmission route in newly reported HIV/AIDS cases, and the proportion of sexual transmission increased from 50.6% (1 564/3 087) in 2010 to 98.8% (5 839/5 910) in 2018. The proportion of heterosexual transmission firstly increased from 44.9% (1 387/3 087) in 2010 and then declined to 65.7% (3 885/5 910) in 2018, and the proportion of MSM behavior related transmission increased from 5.7% (177/3 087) in 2010 to 33.1% (1 954/5 910) in 2018. Among the newly reported heterosexual transmitted cases, the proportion of cases with non-marital heterosexual behaviors increased from 69.4% (962/1 387) in 2010 to 91.7% (3 562/3 885) in 2018 (χ(2)=657.802, P<0.001). The number of newly reported HIV/AIDS cases in young people aged 15-24 years and old people aged ≥60 years increased year by year. The youth cases were mainly infected by MSM behavior transmission (52.7%, 2 561/4 856), and heterosexual transmission was the main infection route of the elder cases (86.4%, 5 907/6 833). Among the elder cases infected by heterosexual transmission, cases with non-marital heterosexual behaviors were mainly males, the number of male cases increased from 122 in 2010 to 738 in 2018, and sex composition ratio was between 82.2% and 91.0%, while the sex composition ratio of female cases was increased from 9.0% (12/134) in 2010 to 17.8% (160/898) in 2018. Conclusions: From 2010 to 2018, the number of newly reported HIV/AIDS cases in Henan increased. Sexual transmission had become the main transmission route. AIDS prevention and control should focus on the control of non-marital heterosexual transmission and MSM behavior transmission, and to pay more attention to young people and people aged 60 years and above.

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