
Silicon (Si) plays an important role in the sustainable agriculture industry. The increasing demand for crop production with a significant reduction of synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticide use is a big challenge nowadays. The use of Si has been proven to be an environmentally sound way of enhancing crop productivity by facilitating plant growth and development through either a direct or indirect mechanism, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. In particular, it has been investigated for its role in water stress management. The aim of the current experiment was to examine the protective role of Si in the photosynthetic capacity of different leaf segments and the ultrastructure of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarm) plants under water stress. Sugarcane cv. GT 42 plants were supplied with 0, 100, 300, and 500 mg L–1 Si and exposed for 60 days under each stress condition such as 100–95, 55–50, and 35–30% of field capacity. For the photosynthetic responses, each leaf was observed and separated into three equal parts (base, middle, and tip). We used intact leaves and were able to assess leaf photosynthetic responses. Under moderate and severe stress conditions, applied Si increased the photosynthesis (base, ∼16–143%; middle, 20–66%; and tip leaf part, 41–71%), transpiration rate (base, 15–97%; middle, 26–68%; and tip leaf part, 6–61%), and stomatal conductance (base, 26–137%; middle, 12–70%; and tip leaf part, 7–75%) in sugarcane plants. Ultrastructural examination of sugarcane leaves using scanning electron microscopy showed the remarkable effects on stomata ultrastructure. Silicon increased plant growth development, photosynthetic efficiency, and biomass/yield, and promoted better adaptation of stomata to drought. This study suggests that the application of Si may be used to increase the stress tolerance of sugarcane plants.

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