The quality of bread directly depends on several physical and chemical indicators of the quality of flour, which is used in the technology of making products. Various types of flour, phyto-additives, oils, and leavening microorganisms are added to its recipe to improve the quality and increase the biological value of bread. Pure cultures of lactic acid and propionic acid bacteria are among the fermenting microbiota most often used in the technological process of bread production. The work aimed to determine the effect of adding pure cultures of lactic acid and propionic acid bacteria on the technological process of bread production. Three samples of dough and dough were prepared: the first with lactic acid bacteria and yeast; the second – propionic and lactic acid bacteria and yeast; the third only on a yeast base. Then, samples of rye-wheat dough were mixed in these ovens, and bread was baked. The symbiotic effect of propionic acid bacteria on the acidification of the environment, that is, on the development of yeast and lactic acid bacteria, was established because it was sample № 2 in which this entire microbial landscape was present that had the highest acidity of the dough. An interdependent relationship between added bacteria to the wort and reduction in fermentation time was revealed. In test № 2, the time required to reach the final fermentation process was about 77 min, about 30 min faster than in the control test. In dough № 2 with added microbiota, the lifting force time was the lowest. Therefore, the addition of propionic and lactic acid bacteria to the dough at the same time as yeast contributes to the active gas-forming ability of the dough. Thus, introducing this microbiota into the steam will increase semi-finished products in a short production time.
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