
Aimed at improving knowledge regarding the diurnal cycle of warm-season rainfall in northwestern China, this study investigated the diurnal variations of warm-season precipitation with different durations in Xinjiang Province, China, using an hourly gauge–satellite merged precipitation product during 2008 to 2019. Results show noticeable diurnal variations with distinctive regional features. The primary peak is in the early evening. Rainfall events with duration less than 3 h occur more often across the whole of Xinjiang and contribute more than half of the precipitation amount over its northern and southern peripheries, while rainfall events with duration more than 7 h over the Tianshan Mountains are responsible for the primary peak in the diurnal variations of warm-season precipitation.摘要降水日变化受大气热力,动力过程以及复杂地形影响, 演变特征复杂且区域差异显著. 本文采用中国气象局发布的中国地面与CMORPH融合逐小时降水产品 (2008–2019年), 分析了新疆省暖季降水日变化特征. 研究结果表明: (1) 新疆大部分地区降水主峰值发生在清晨; (2) 持续时间超过三小时的降水事件是新疆地区主要降水事件, 贡献了南疆和北疆一半以上的降水量; (3) 在新疆中部 (天山地区) , 暖季降水日变化峰值主要由持续时间超过7小时的降水事件贡献.

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