
The article objective is to represent the analysis results of the flow of published documents that highlight the contribution of Novosibirsk city and Novosibirsk Region residents to the victory over fascism during the Great Patriotic war. The documentary flow consisted of more than 600 publications over a 30-year period, which was selected of the regional bibliographic database “Scientific Sibirika” generated by the State Public Scientific and Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences using analytical services. The paper presents a brief scientometric analysis of a document corpus, as well as features of its temporal, thematic, and type-specific structure. Emphasis is placed on the characteristics of monographic publications: their variety is shown, and monograph bibliographic descriptions are given. The article lists the most productive periodicals and thematic collections on the topic, scientific events, where discussions took place on the life of the Siberian region and its inhabitants during the war years. It names Novosiberians – participants of military operations, materials about whom are included into the database. Authors with high publication activity on the above-mentioned subjects are identified. It is concluded that the thematic section “History of Siberia and the Far East” of the database “Scientific Sibirika” serves as a reliable source base for historical and regional studies. Introducing modern technologies in the bibliographic practice makes it possible to work remotely not only with bibliographic descriptions, but with full texts of electronic documents as well.


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Виды и примеры монографических изданий по теме

А. Немеркнущий свет подвига : Великая Отечественная вой­на, 1941–1945 гг. С. В чужой земле: памяти военнопленных, умерших в Новосибирской области в 1944–1948 гг. М. Творцы военной техники предприятий оборонной промышленности Новосибирской области 1941–1965 гг. Н. Роль строительного комплекса в создании оборонной промышленности г.

Справочные издания
Авторефераты диссертаций
Библиографические указатели
Здвинский район НСО
Список источников
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