
This paper, which is the second in a series of three, describes dryland crop growth and yields in a windbreak bay in south-western Australia and relates changes to microclimate modification by the windbreaks. Over the 4 years of this trial, above ground biomass and the development rate of crops 3–20 times the tree height from the windbreak (H) were similar to crops growing in unsheltered conditions (more than 20 H from the windbreaks). Grain yield was 16–30% higher between 3 H and 20 H than at more than 20 H in 1994, the driest year on record for the district, in other years yield was largely unchanged. In contrast, above ground biomass growth was consistently less within 3 H than further from the windbreaks and grain yield within 3 H was 19–27% less than unsheltered yield. Water use by the trees is the most likely cause of reduced yield within 3 H. Over the 4 years, mean grain yield between 0.5 H and 20 H was 3.8% greater than yield at more than 20 H. This increase was largely due to the yield increase in 1994. As 5.4% of the paddock was directly occupied by, or uncropped next to, the windbreaks, there was a net yield decrease of 2.8% over 4 years compared to estimated production from a similar area with no windbreaks. The principle benefits of the windbreaks were reducing evaporative demand in extremely dry years and protection against extreme wind events. These benefits must be weighed against the costs of establishing and maintaining windbreak systems.

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