
It is difficult to determine early Jewish interpretation of the text of Ezekiel owing to the scarcity of primary resources from the time of the Second Temple. There are no writings similar to the later Jewish commentaries, and citation of Ezekiel is rare. Our quest relies on extant Hebrew and Greek biblical manuscripts (MSS). This chapter proposes that a comparison of variants amongst these MSS, including intra and trans-linguistic variants should reveal theological and exegetical insights into the early Jewish communities which produced them, and into their interpretation of the restoration of Israel in Ezekiel 36-39. Our methodology is to take Masoretic texts (MT) as a starting point, then compare the three earliest. LXX texts with MT, while at the same time performing an intra-LXX comparison. The chapter examines each variant to see if there is any evidence, implicit or explicit, of early Jewish theological interpretation.Keywords: Ezekiel; Hebrew and Greek biblical manuscripts (MSS); Jewish communities; LXX texts; Masoretic texts (MT)

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