
This chapter presents the table I in which the entries are all products of microbial transformation. With few exceptions, compounds are recorded in this table only when a detailed procedure has been given in the cited reference. Products of known empirical formula, but unknown structure, are shown at the end of each group of entries having common empirical formulas. Systematic organic chemical nomenclature has been used, except for sapogenins and steroidal alkaloids. Common names of the principal hormones are given parenthetically. Configuration of any substituent attached to a ring carbon of the steroid nucleus is defined as β when that substituent projects above the plane of the steroid nucleus and as α when the substituent projects below the plane. Substituents that have the β-configuration are shown attached to the nucleus by solid lines, and those which have α configuration, by dotted lines. Configuration of hydrogen at the 5-position is always defined by 5 α- or 5 β-preceding the stem.

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