
Analog Device's largest single product group is the general-purpose standard linear integrated circuits (ICs), including data converters and amplifiers. Analog Devices has also become a major digital signal processing IC supplier, providing both general-purpose and highly integrated application-specific devices that combine analog and digital signal processing capability in a single integrated IC. Analog Devices designs, manufactures, and markets a broad line of high-performance linear, mixed-signal, and digital integrated circuits that address a wide range of real-world signal processing applications. Therefore, Analog Devices provides online information on the applicability of its products. Conventional databases can only search for exact criteria. The intelligent search capabilities and their availability on the Web are unique selling points for Analog Devices. Additional benefits include increased customer satisfaction and reduced information provision costs. Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) technology has introduced intelligent sales support to e-commerce applications at Analog Devices. The limitations of standard database techniques were overcome by adding knowledge to the retrieval system. CBR removes the problem of near misses, reduces the need for expert-level knowledge on the customer's side, and reduces customer frustration by improving the usefulness of the search process. CBR-related techniques for indexing and clustering a case base could be used to help customers refine their queries through a systematic analysis of their needs.

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