
This chapter presents the design and status of the Phase I installation of ISAC-II including a description of the distribution piping, details of the refrigeration system, and a summary of the helium storage and gas recovery. The refrigerator system will be installed in two equal stages. The first stage includes a 500 W helium refrigerator with associated compressors, oil removal system (ORS), helium buffer tank, helium dewar, room temperature piping, helium distribution transfer lines, and nitrogen distribution network. The main supply dewar supplies LHe to the main distribution trunk line with a moderate push pressure. The ISAC-II cryomodules (CMs) are fed in parallel from the main distribution line with U-tube transfer lines. The cryomodules contain a LN2 cooled thermal shield consisting of a copper tube soldered to a copper box. Liquid nitrogen is supplied to the cryomodules via a parallel distribution scheme from a local nitrogen dewar/phase separator. The liquid helium distribution and vapor return system will be a parallel flow system from common trunk lines running parallel to the linac. An initial medium beta cryomodule has just been undergone the first cryogenic tests.

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