
The aim of this study was to evaluate changes of color and fluorescence of resin based composite exposed to beer. 84 samples (13 mm in diameter and 1.5 mm thick) of microhybrid composite Gradia DirectTM extra bleach white were immersed in 5 different beers (dark and light) or distilled water. Color and fluorescence were measured prior and after 1-, 7-, and 14-day immersion by Spectrophotometer Thermo Evolution 600 and Fluorolog-3-221 spectrofluorometer. Resin based composites changed color after immersion in beers of different types. Beers with higher optical absorption induced greater color changes. The fluorescence intensity of composites was decreased after immersion in beer, but the shape of fluorescence spectra was not changed. 14-day immersion in Bernard dark beer caused the greatest changes in optical properties of composite: ΔE*=9.0 and 57.6% reduced fluorescence. Dark and light beers changed optical properties of resin based composite. The color change come exclusively from the change of chroma. To fully meet esthetic criteria when using dental materials in restoration it is crucial to match optical properties of teeth and dental restoration at the moment of placement, but also to keep the match over the time. Considering that staining in beer causes changes in color and fluorescence of composites and that discoloration is a frequent reason for replacement of composite restorations, the data and conclusions on discoloration of dental restorations caused by beer consumption should aid dental professionals when reaching for high esthetics of modern dentistry.(J Esthet Restor Dent 28:330-338, 2016).

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