
One of the principal experimental variables which effect the results of phosphorus (P) sorption studies is the ionic composition, in addition to both species and concentrations of the contacting solution. In spite of the realization that ionic species, concentrations and their compositions effect P sorption and/or desorption, most of the salt-related studies are confined to Cl- (anion) in association with different cations. While the knowledge about the comparative response of P to Cl- and SO4(2-) ions was lacking, the current study was conducted to evaluate the comparative effects of anions (in association with cations) on inorganic P release and P fractions in the soil. The test soil was amended with livestock compost manure (OP); KH2PO4 (IPk) or Ca(H2PO4)2 (IPc) at a rate of 1ppm. Soil was subjected to one salt and nine subsequent water extractions and different P fractions were measured. Four salt types, NaCl, Na2SO4, KCl and K2SO4, were used at levels of 0.5 M. Irrespective of P sources, P release was substantially increased in the salt-pretreated soil as compared to the non-saline soil. Sulfate salts released more P in subsequent water extractions than Cl-. Phosphorus release decreased for salt types with Na2SO4 > NaCl > K2SO4 > KCl and for P sources with OP approximately IPk > Control (without P application) > IPc, respectively. No previous study was found to compare the results of more P release by SO4(2-) than Cl- salt. Most of the previous studies focused on anion sorption capacities, but the mechanism for their adsorption is not fully known. Most of the authors suggested that the mechanisms of SO4(2-) and PO4(3-) adsorption are similar, and that both ions compete for the same sorption sites (Kamprath et al. 1956, Couto et al. 1979, Pasricha and Fox 1993). Although adsorbed SO4(2-) does not compete strongly with PO4(3-), there is likely to be some competition for sorption between these anions which may cause comparatively more P release by SO4(2-) than Cl- salts. Higher P release by Na-saturation could be due to the release of P associated with oxide surfaces or due to dissolution of Ca-P phases (Curtin et al. 1987). Study clearly showed that not only cations species differ for P desorption capacity, but associated anions also play a vital role in the fate of P under saline environments. Synergetic effects exist between Na and SO4(2-) ions which enhanced the P release. This study has also confirmed the fact that P from organic sources is available as well as from inorganic P sources. However, P release depends more on the type of P source applied than on total P. It is highly recommended that more than one anion species must be used in the research plans for evaluating the P response in a saline environment. The results have important implications from the point of view of research, as most of the researchers focus on different cations only for evaluating P response to salts from an environmental point of view. However, our study has made it clear that anions in association with cations differed for their effects on P release.

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