
Purpose: To evaluate the change in visual acuity in relation to decrease in central macular thickness,after a single dose of intravitreal Bevacizumab injection.Study Design: Quasi experimental study.Place and Duration of Study: Punjab Rangers Teaching Hospital, Lahore, from January 2019 to June 2019.Material and Methods: 70 eyes with diabetic macular edema were included in the study. Patients having high refractive errors (spherical equivalent of > ± 7.5D) and visual acuity worse than +1.2 or better than +0.2 on log MAR were excluded. Central macular edema was measured in μm on OCT and visual acuity was documentedusing Log MAR chart. These values were documented before and at 01 month after injection with intravitrealBevacizumab. Wilcoxon Signed rank test was used to evaluate the difference in VA beforeand after the anti-VEGF injection. Difference in visual acuity and macular edema (central) was observed,analyzed and represented in p value. P value was considered statistically significant if it was less than 0.01%.Results: Mean age of patients was 52.61 ± 1.3. Vision improved from 0.90 ± 0.02 to 0.84 ± 0.02 on log MARchart. The change was statistically significant with p value < 0.001. Central macular thickness reduced from 328 ±14 to 283 ± 10.6 μm on OCT after intravitreal anti-VEGF, with significant p value < 0.001.Conclusion: A 45 μm reduction in central macular thickness was associated with 0.1 Log MAR unit improvementin visual acuity after intravitreal Bevacizumab in diabetic macular edema.

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