
There is a lack of information on how fertilization and initial Mehlich-3 phosphorus (M3P) interact to affect water soluble P (WSP) in soils. Our objectives were to (i) quantify the relationship between WSP and M3P for four textural diverse benchmark soils of North Carolina (NC) and (ii) quantify the change in WSP concentrations following P additions to soils over a wide range of initial M3P. Soils known to represent a wide range in M3P were collected from an Autryville loamy sand (loamy, siliceous, subactive, thermic Arenic Paleudults), Wasda muck (fine-loamy, mixed, semiactive, acid, thermic Histic Humaquepts), Georgeville silt loam (fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults), and Pacolet sandy clay loam (fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults) and analyzed for M3P, Fe, Al, and WSP. An incubation study was also conducted where four samples representing a range in M3P from each series were fertilized at rates of 150 and 300 kg P ha(-1), and WSP was measured at 1, 7, and 21 d after fertilization. The Wasda muck exhibited a change point at 115 mg P kg(-1) across a broad range of M3P concentrations (60-238 mg kg(-1)) while Autryville, Georgeville, and Pacolet series (with ranges in M3P of 32-328, 119-524, 0-1034 mg P kg(-1), respectively) maintained linear relationships between WSP and M3P. For the fertilized soils, significant increases in WSP occurred regardless of P rate. Yet, WSP concentrations were greater in soils with greater initial M3P. Thus, these data suggest that shifting animal waste applications to fields of relatively lower M3P concentrations would have an immediate impact on reducing risk for P losses, if all other factors are equal.

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