
In my 2017 Sherif Award address, I pay tribute to Carolyn Wood Sherif for her insightful exposure of an academic hierarchy in psychology and her call to be skeptical not only of our research choices but also of our career choices. I contend that the artificial separation of research/scholarship and teaching/mentoring, along with the masculinization and privileging of the former over the latter, contributes to perpetuating this gendered academic hierarchy. I suggest three possibilities for integrating teaching and research, embedded within one’s commitment to feminist activism, by (a) publishing about one’s own teaching, (b) researching one’s teaching effectiveness, and (c) using one’s classes to do research that contributes to feminist scholarship (as well as, in a fourth example, challenging the academic hierarchy itself). My immodest goal is to inspire junior and senior academic feminists to practice a “subversive” feminism that challenges the gendered, hierarchical academic institutions in which we are immersed as feminists “doing” (i.e., socially constructing) both teaching and research.

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