
Suboptimal growth in children, known as stunting, is a serious problem affecting the health and development of children in Indonesia, particularly in Papua. According to the Ministry of Health’s Survey on the Status of Nutrition in Indonesia (SSGI), the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia reached 21.6% in 2022. However, in Papua Province, the situation is more critical, as the prevalence of stunting reached 34.6% in the same year, making it the third highest in the nation. To tackle this challenge, the government and various stakeholders have adopted a collaborative approach to prevent stunting in Papua. This study aims to explore the challenges and opportunities that arise when using collaborative governance to address stunting in Papua. The research method used is a literature review, involving the analysis of various literature sources, including scientific journals, government reports, and publications related to stunting in Papua. These sources provide in-depth insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with the use of collaborative governance to address stunting in the region.
 Keywords: collaborative governance, stunting, Papua

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