
Over the last decades, the system of higher education in Ukraine has been constantly changing. This situation is caused by the search for a domestic strategy of professional training in the context of modern European requirements. Of course, the directions, conceptual principles, and strategic objectives of professional training are determined by state documents of Ukraine. However, the implementation of the tasks is designed to be made by teachers of higher educational institutions, which encourages the teaching staff of universities to effective research. Thus, due to the fact that Ukraine has chosen the European vector of development for integration into the world community, it is necessary to study advanced foreign ideas and achievements and implement them in domestic universities, which is currently happening. The author focuses on the topical issue of finding new ways to improve the quality of higher education and argues that one of such ways is the introduction of certificate programs in the educational process of universities. The researcher admits that the renewal of the educational process in universities is taking into account the achievements of the past and, of course, the present. A review of scientific publications and regulations on certificate programs shows that Ukrainian educational institutions have begun to implement certificate programs actively to meet the individual educational needs of higher education students in acquiring additional professional competencies within the specialty or related specialties and fields of knowledge, including obtaining professional qualifications. The requirements of higher education for the creation of modern certification programs (short-term, medium-term, long-term) have been determined and their advantages have been revealed. Guided by the Regulations on Certificate Programs of Kherson State University (Order of 29.04.2021 № 529-D), in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On approval of paid services that can be provided by establishments and institutions of the education system belonging to the state and communal form of ownership» dated 27.08.2010, it has been stated that the certificate programs are in fact specialized training courses or a specialized set of interconnected components (educational components) of established duration, which provides professional targeted training of students. The author's certificate program «Organisation and directing of cultural and artistic projects» has been proposed, which is designed for applicants of higher education at the master's level, while obtaining a bachelor's degree. The program has an applied direction; its structure meets the requirements of higher education. The structure of the long-term certificate program provides general information, defines the purpose of the program, presents its characteristics, and suitability of graduates for employment and further study lists program competencies and program learning outcomes, describes the process of teaching and evaluating achievements in this course, mobility, the list of components of the certificate program and their logical sequence, the form of certification of applicants for higher education, the matrix of compliance of program competencies and ensuring program learning outcomes have been analyzed. Conclusions were made on the expediency of introducing certificate programs in the educational process of professional training of applicants of higher education.

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