
[In presenting the Borden Award to Dr. Weech, Dr. Harry Bakwin, President of the Academy read the following citation : "for his fundamental contributions in major fields of pediatric investigation. His studies in rickets, nutritional edema and physiologic hyperbilirubinemia stimulated newer lines of thought of the pathogenesis of these conditions. He characterized nutritional edema as a disturbance resulting from inadequate dietary protein. As the concentration of albumin in serum represents a practical means of recognizing protein deprivation in the pre-edema stages, he undertook studies of the effect of many basic dietary substances on the synthesis of this blood component. His comprehensive investigation of the causation of jaundice of the newborn established its relationship to liver immaturity. Dr. Weech is also being honored for his inspirational qualities as a teacher and a leader of research in numerous aspects of child health and welfare."] ON THE ANNUAL occasion of the presentation of the Borden Award of the American Academy of Pediatrics it is precedent that the recipient review those aspects of his personal investigations as have been cited by the Awards Committee in justification of its decision. In the face of such tradition I was at first perplexed. The citation begins by averring that selection has rested on "fundamental contributions in major fields of pediatric investigation." The statement is broad, too broad to serve the purpose of concise review. The citation goes on to mention studies in rickets, bilirubinemia, nutritional edema and basic dietary substances essential for the synthesis of serum albumin. The broad range of investigations still defies terse retrospective survey. Some other bond is needed to tie together the component parts of a speech of acceptance. The occasion itself will furnish the bond for which I seek.

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