
The paper considers the basic aspects of providing conditions for the growth of the national economy based on the efforts concentration of the protomiddle class development. Purpose of the research : to provide rationale of the identification need of the protomiddle class as a trigger for the growth of the national economy in the current conditions, aggravated by the consequences of the impact of the pandemic. Methodology : in the process of research, methods of logical (comparison of various results of the analysis with each other, to identify their interconnection); statistical (identification of trends and tendencies that serve as arguments for the recommendations); qualitative (conducting a critical literature review of basic scientific and business research); and quantitative methods were used (calculation of absolute and relative deviations, substantiating the problem of the lack of criteria for the protomiddle class) analysis, as well as graphical methods for visualizing the results of the study were provided. Originality / value of the research lies in the systematization of data to substantiate the need of creating conditions for the protomiddle class development as a trigger for the growth of the national economy. The paper assesses the average income per capita of the population and compares its findings with data on average monthly wages, household expenditures and the subsistence minimum. The findings show a significant gap between international standards for assessing the middle class and Kazakhstani criteria. Findings of the research are provided in recommendations on the need of the category of «protomiddle class» identification, for further economic and financial conditions development as a trigger for the growth of the national economy.

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