
Prestigious cultural and scientific publication, ”Arhivele Olteniei” has hosted since its first issues, in addition to numerous contributions that testify to an intense cultural life and numerous archaeological articles that highlight the richness of discoveries in Oltenia. Thus, for the period of the developed Neolithic and the early Eneolithic represented by the archeological cultures Dudeşti, Vădastra and Boian, the contributions brought by C.S Nicolăescu Plopşor and Dumitru Berciu are significant. Since 1939, the work "Arheologia preistorică a Olteniei" has presented numerous Neolithic materials, followed in the 80's by articles signed by Eugen Comşa and Marin Nica. Very important are also the capitalizations of some Neo-Eneolithic materials, unpublished or less known, discovered in the mentioned area.

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