
We previously reported the questionable result of reoperation using metal-on-polyethylene (MoP) bearing after the fracture of the ceramic component. After the report, we abandoned the use of MoP; instead, we used ceramic-on-ceramic (CoC) bearing. This report aimed to present the outcome of reoperation to CoC bearing after ceramic component failures along with the longer-term outcome of the previously reported cohort with an MoP bearing. The mean follow-up of the MoP cohort was extended from 4.3 years to 8.8 years. Metallosis had occurred in three of nine patients of the previous cohort, which all required re-reoperations. Two hips from 11 patients with revision to CoC had re-reoperations due to ceramic liner fracture and non-union of the osteotomized fragment, respectively. No metallosis and wear occurred in the cohort revised with CoC articulation. Otherwise, there were no adverse changes in radiographs and no impairment in functions. We conducted an extended prospective evaluation of a previous cohort consisting of six head fractures and three liner fractures. In this cohort, the patients underwent a bearing change to metal-on-polyethylene. Additionally, we retrospectively analyzed 11 cases of third-generation ceramic bearing fractures, comprising nine head fractures and two liner fractures. These cases were subsequently treated with a bearing change to fourth-generation CoC. We assessed clinical and radiological outcomes, including complication rates, in both groups. We recommend the latest CoC as the bearing of choice in reoperation after the fracture of ceramic components. In the case of an MoP bearing after the ceramic component fracture, the risk of metallosis seemed high in the early postoperative period.

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