
The following paper analyzes ceramic collection from the excavations by M.E. Foss in 1953 from the Podzorovo site in Michurinsky District , Tambov Region, stored in the collections of the State Historical Museum (GIM 104032, inventory A 833). According to the results of the research, M.E. Foss concluded that there was originally a Late Neolithic site, and then a Bronze Age settlement. At the same time, the ceramics were divided into two groups: Late Neolithic (first of all pit-comb ornamented) and relating to the Bronze Age (other). When reviewing the collection in the light of new knowledge we were able to identify the materials of Dronicha late Neolithic culture, Eneolithic Srednestog culture and ceramics of the Ksizovo type, as well as Repino culture of the early Bronze Age. All of them find numerous analogies in the settlements of Don forest-steppe area. Thus, it was established that only in the Neolithic era early Bronze, the Podzorovo site was settled at least six times. As additional information when describing ceramics, we present data on the results of the technical and technological analysis obtained during the study of ceramics of these cultures and cultural types originating from the settlements of the Upper Don.


  • При этом керамика была разделена ею на две группы – поздненеолитическую и относящуюся к эпохе бронзы

  • Куличковым в ближайшей округе от исследуемой стоянки была проведена разведка, в результате которой выявлено два новых поселения Старое Тарбеево 10 и 11 с керамическим материалом, полностью аналогичным выше нами описанным [11]

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Керамические материалы эпох позднего неолита – ранней бронзы... КЕРАМИЧЕСКИЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ ЭПОХ ПОЗДНЕГО НЕОЛИТА – РАННЕЙ БРОНЗЫ СТОЯНКИ ПОДЗОРОВО НА ВЕРХНЕМ ДОНУ ИЗ РАСКОПОК М.Е. Российская Федерация) Климкова Ирина Викторовна, научный сотрудник отдела археологических памятников Фосс 1953 года со стоянки Подзорово в Мичуринском районе Тамбовской области, хранящаяся в фондах Государственного Исторического музея

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