
Central projections of suboccipital muscle nerves were examined following exposure of cut peripheral nerves to the tracer horseradish peroxidase. Labelled fibers entered the C1 and C2 dorsal roots and accumulated in the dorsolateral part of the dorsal funiculus. Many labelled fibers entered the grey matter of C1 to C3 in ventrally directed bundles which passed medially to the base of the dorsal horn. No terminal labelling was apparent in superficial layers of the dorsal horn. However, labelled fibers ramified extensively throughout medial parts of the intermediate laminae, in and around the central cervical nucleus. Labelled fibers also projected toward the ventral horn. In cats subjected to ventral root section at the time of peripheral nerve exposure, a modest distribution of reaction product was observed deep in the ventral horn. In cats which did not undergo ventral root section, anterograde projections in the ventral horn were obscured by the simultaneous retrograde filling of motoneurons both in the ventromedial nucleus and on the medial and lateral borders of the gray matter. Labelled axons also coursed rostrally into the medulla where they formed a circumscribed bundle between the main cuneate nucleus and the spinal nucleus of V. Three consistent regions of HRP deposition could be identified at medullary levels. Dense accumulations of reaction product were present in circumscribed regions of the external cuneate nucleus (ECN) throughout its rostrocaudal extent. A second zone of dense labelling occurred in the intermediate nucleus of Cajal, where it appeared to form a continuing column rostral to the central cervical nucleus in C1-C3. Sparse labelling was restricted to a third zone in the ventrolateral part of the main cuneate nucleus.

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