
Young people are a crucial segment of a nation’s development. Their contribution is highly needed. Young people are social actors of change and as the saying goes are not only the leaders of tomorrow but also the partners of today”. But today youth are becoming slaves of gadgets instead of dreaming, thinking, and put on the action for their golden future ahead. So, in this context researcher viewed this as the study with the title “A study on the impact of cell phones on the academic achievement of degree college students in Visakhapatnam district”. The objective of the study is to study the impact of cell phones on students and the hypothesis of the study is “There is no significant impact of cell phones on degree students with respect to gender, locality, type of management, group, medium of instruction”. The investigator prepared the Questionnaire comprises of 20 questions, with five points scaling strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. A sample of 100-degree students’ selected. Today almost India occupied first place in youth population and second in cell phone usage. This scenario is not acceptable as we want our nation to be economically developed which is in the hands of youth. Thus we should shoulder them with the prosperity of nation in their hands instead of gadgets.

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