
The complete nucleotide sequence of a nerve growth factor precursor from Bothrops jararacussu snake (Bj-NGF) was determined by DNA sequencing of a clone from cDNA library prepared from the poly(A) + RNA of the venom gland of B. jararacussu. cDNA encoding Bj-NGF precursor contained 723 bp in length, which encoded a prepro-NGF molecule with 241 amino acid residues. The mature Bj-NGF molecule was composed of 118 amino acid residues with theoretical p I and molecular weight of 8.31 and 13,537, respectively. Its amino acid sequence showed 97%, 96%, 93%, 86%, 78%, 74%, 76%, 76% and 55% sequential similarities with NGFs from Crotalus durissus terrificus, Agkistrodon halys pallas, Daboia ( Vipera) russelli russelli, Bungarus multicinctus, Naja sp., mouse, human, bovine and cat, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses based on the amino acid sequences of 15 NGFs separate the Elapidae family ( Naja and Bungarus) from those Crotalidae snakes ( Bothrops, Crotalus and Agkistrodon). The three-dimensional structure of mature Bj-NGF was modeled based on the crystal structure of the human NGF. The model reveals that the core of NGF, formed by a pair of β-sheets, is highly conserved and the major mutations are both at the three β-hairpin loops and at the reverse turn.

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