
目的:通过7例不典型肺癌的X线征象分析与误诊教训,进一步提高不典型肺癌的X线诊断与鉴别诊断水平。方法:对我院2007~2012年间X线胸片首诊误诊的7例不典型肺Ca病例进行回顾性分析,逐例探讨其X线表现特征,综合分析寻找误诊原因。结果:误诊为肺炎或肺炎伴肺不张2例,肺炎性假瘤1例,肺结核2例,胸膜少量积液1例,纵隔旁淋巴结肿大1例。结论:不典型肺Ca的X线表现形式多种多样,必须综合分析,注重随访观察,方可减少误漏诊,提高不典型肺Ca诊断准确率。 Purpose: This article demonstrates how to develop the atypical lung cancer of X-ray diagnosis and identification diagnosis level by seven cases of atypical lung cancer of X-ray signs analysis and misdiagnosis lessons. Method: We conducted a retrospective analysis of the seven cases of atypical lung Ca which were first misdiagnosed between 2007 and 2012 in our hospital, investigated the performance characteristics of the X-ray case by case and analyzed the causes of misdiagnosis comprehensively. Results: 2 cases were misdiagnosed as pneumonia or pneumonia with atelectasis, 1 case of pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor, 2 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, 1 case of fewer pleural effusion and 1 case of lymphadenopathy next to mediastinal. Conclusion: Atypical lung Ca X-ray expresses in various forms, and we must analyze these forms comprehensively and focus on follow-up observation. Only in this way can we decrease the rate of misdiagnosis and improve the diagnostic accuracy of atypical lung Ca.

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