
During primary dentition, the etiology changes by age group. For instance, traumas secondary to collisions and falls are attributable to early movement within the first six years, while accidents secondary to frequent playing are the main reason within the following nine years, and violence is the most common etiology until the age of 25 years old. Previous studies have estimated that traumas from falls, sporting activities, bicycling, traffic accidents, and violence were the most common causes of dental injuries in children. Iatrogenic causes also contribute to 0.04-12% of dental injuries, including avulsions. According to the current evidence, whether to use reimplantation or not is still controversial and further investigations are needed. Among the various case reports, damage to the permanent successors, root resorption, clot formation, and pulp necrosis were documented as potential complications and adverse events with intended reimplantation. However, many techniques were reported to overcome these problems. Besides, favorable outcomes following reimplantation could be hypothetically obtained as sound articulation, proper mastication, and proper dentition. Therefore, this encourages reimplantation, however, further evidence is still needed to validate the proposed advantages and disadvantages of the approach.

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