
In the recent years, the higher education has become widely available to society in many countries in the world, and the enrolment numbers in universities have increased also in Latvia, but the number of obtained qualifications or degrees differ significantly, as well as the percentage of involvement in the exact science study programmes remains low. The author draws attention to students' broad skills as one of the possible preconditions for sustainable studies and concludes that the transversal skills that have been acquired in the learning process and defined in the general education standards largely correspond to a broad skills needed by the students. The acquisition of transversal skills in the learning process, as it is set out in the general education standards of all grades, could be sufficient for starting studies and acquiring a qualification or a degree, however, the reasons for termination of studies are related to the level of acquisition of transversal skills. The results of several studies demonstrate the impact of art for creating an environment and conditions leading to improved academic, social and behavioural study outcomes. In turn, arts therapy, which has its origins in art, psychology and psychotherapy and is based on a holistic approach, focuses on the growth and development of the individual in all areas of human experience: intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual. The results obtained in the theoretical study highlight the need for further theoretical and empirical research on the improvement of transversal skills in the higher education process and on the use of the pedagogical aspect of arts and arts therapy in the improvement of transversal skills in the higher education study process.

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