
Positively charged starch derivatives were used to modify the inner surface of fused-silica capillaries by addition to running buffer, which were subsequently employed in capillary electrophoresis (CE). Capillaries coated with the cationic starch derivatives were shown to generate a stable, reversed electroosmotic flow (EOF) in the investigated pH range of 3–9. The presented coating procedure was fast, based on a simple rinsing protocol where the polymer created a physically adsorbed, cationic polymer layer. Among the additives studied, a quaternary ammonium starch derivative showed a fast EOF mobility and effectively suppressed the adsorption of proteins. The intra- and inter-day reproducibility of the coating referring to the EOF mobility were satisfactory with relative standard deviation (RSD) of 0.27 and 1.67%, respectively. The coating enabled separation of some protein mixtures including basic proteins within l3 min with efficiencies up to 280,000 plates/m. In addition, this cationic starch derivative possessed a good solubility (about 100 mg/mL), and it does not significantly contribute to the background adsorption in the UV region of 190–400 nm.

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