
We have obtained infrared and Raman spectra for garnets synthesized at high (static) pressures and temperatures along the join Mg3Al2Si3O12 (pyrope) — Mg4Si4O12 (magnesium majorite). The vibrational spectra of Mg-majorite show a large number of additional weak peaks compared with the spectra of cubic pyrope garnet, consistent with tetragonal symmetry for the MgSiO3 garnet phase. The Raman bands for this phase show no evidence for line broadening, suggesting that Mg and Si are ordered on octahedral sites in the garnet. The bands for the intermediate garnet compositions are significantly broadened compared with the end-members pyrope and Mg-majorite, indicating cation disorder in the intermediate phases. Solid state 27Al NMR spectroscopy for pyrope and two intermediate compositions show that Al is present only on octahedral sites, so the cation disorder is most likely confined to Mg-Al-Si mixing on the octahedral sites. We have also obtained a Raman spectrum for a natural, shock-produced (Fe,Mg) majorite garnet. The sharp Raman peaks suggest little or no cation disorder in this sample.

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