
Dye-decolorizing peroxidase (DyP) of Auricularia auricula-judae has been expressed in Escherichia coli as a representative of a new DyP family, and subjected to mutagenic, spectroscopic, crystallographic and computational studies. The crystal structure of DyP shows a buried haem cofactor, and surface tryptophan and tyrosine residues potentially involved in long-range electron transfer from bulky dyes. Simulations using PELE (Protein Energy Landscape Exploration) software provided several binding-energy optima for the anthraquinone-type RB19 (Reactive Blue 19) near the above aromatic residues and the haem access-channel. Subsequent QM/MM (quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics) calculations showed a higher tendency of Trp-377 than other exposed haem-neighbouring residues to harbour a catalytic protein radical, and identified the electron-transfer pathway. The existence of such a radical in H2O2-activated DyP was shown by low-temperature EPR, being identified as a mixed tryptophanyl/tyrosyl radical in multifrequency experiments. The signal was dominated by the Trp-377 neutral radical contribution, which disappeared in the W377S variant, and included a tyrosyl contribution assigned to Tyr-337 after analysing the W377S spectra. Kinetics of substrate oxidation by DyP suggests the existence of high- and low-turnover sites. The high-turnover site for oxidation of RB19 (kcat> 200 s−1) and other DyP substrates was assigned to Trp-377 since it was absent from the W377S variant. The low-turnover site/s (RB19 kcat ~20 s−1) could correspond to the haem access-channel, since activity was decreased when the haem channel was occluded by the G169L mutation. If a tyrosine residue is also involved, it will be different from Tyr-337 since all activities are largely unaffected in the Y337S variant.


  • dye-decolorizing peroxidase (DyP) (EC represent a new family of haem peroxidases widespread in bacteria, archaea, fungi and other micro-organisms [1,2,3,4]

  • The latter enzyme has recently been overexpressed in Escherichia coli as inclusion bodies, and a refolding protocol was optimized yielding a recombinant DyP with basically the same properties as those of wild-type DyP [19]

  • The crystal structure of A. auricula-judae WT DyP expressed in E. coli was solved at 1.79 Å (1 Å = 0.1 nm) resolution (PDB 4W7J), together with those of the Y147S, D168N, W377S, Y147S/W377S and Y147S/G169L/W377S variants (PDB codes 4W7K, 4W7L, 4W7M, 4W7N and 4W7O) solved at 1.05–1.40 Å resolution (Supplementary Table S1)

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DyPs (dye-decolorizing peroxidases) (EC represent a new family of haem peroxidases widespread in bacteria, archaea, fungi and other micro-organisms [1,2,3,4] Among those of fungal origin, the enzymes from Bjerkandera adusta [5,6,7] and Auricularia auricula-judae [8,9,10] have been crystallized and biochemically characterized as representative DyPs from two phylogenetically different basidiomycetes (in orders Polyporales and Agaricales respectively). Among wood-rotting basidiomycetes, DyP genes are significantly more frequent in the sequenced genomes of white-rot (ligninolytic) than brown-rot species [20] This fact and their reported capability to degrade non-phenolic lignin model dimers, with much lower efficiency than whiterot fungal LiPs (lignin peroxidases) [8], suggest a possible contribution of fungal DyPs to lignin biodegradation.

Linde and others
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