
BIOGEOGHAPHIA - vol. XVI - 1992 (Pubblicato II 31 dicernbre 1992) ll popolarnento detle Alpi Occidentali Catalogo dei tricotteri delle Alpi occidentali — Considerazioni zoogeografiche FERNANDA CIANFICCONI, GIAMPAOLO MORETTI Irtitzzto dz’ Z00/ogia, UIzz'z2ers[tzi dz’ Perzigzkz SUMMARY The list has been derived from a study of collections housed in the Natural Sciences Museums of Bergamo, Genova and Verona; from the study of specimens collected by several researchers and from bibliographical quotes. The 130 sampling stations are distributed in the Maritime, Cottian, Grai-an and Pennine Alps at altitudes between 255 and 3000 m ais.l. Research has been more thorough in the lotic environments than in the lentic. 118 species have been registered up to 1990, of which R/2_vzzcop/J/la my/'zzm' Moretti is new to science and R/Jyacop/.7fZa :1/‘caizge/1'/zzi Navas has been revalidated. The genera best represented in the running waters for species number are R/yyacoplv//a (14 species, 8 of which have alpine distribution) and Dl'1IJ’ll.\‘ (7 species, 6 of which are present only in the Alps). The most widespread species with high population densities are Cryptot/mbc /7Lg/Jul/colzz, P/Jilopom/m/5 /z1dzft'czztm‘ and /lllogmm/3 :21//‘foo/[z'_t. M0/zoce/z/ra /epzk/op/era, belonging to a monotypical endemic genus, is of great interest to Italian fauna, for its morphological structure, its habitat and its geonemy. Orophylous species predominate, including Apa/a/ziu f1’////7r1'a/a, Dr;/r//.r a/pm;/.t, D. bigzzt/tz/1/3, D. mel- mzc/meres, Di 1/me//t'z'z', D. zzfgresceur, Li/1///ep/J/lz/5 /Jipz//zcmtux, L. coe/1031/5, L. vi//nfz/5, /lcrap/Jy/ax .';’€7‘:I7€I‘l/1‘, L/7/Zmx 12/gar. There is one species (P/J2’/opotm//1/: Zm2’1f1'ca/z/_v) with a prolonged emergence and other species which emerge during a limited period: summer (C/'_vp/0//Jrix /zelm/ico/:1, \l70/‘ma/t//17 copiosa and Mo/lore/ztrn lep- /dap/em), sun1mer—autun1n (R/Jyzzcap/J/Ya U11/gm‘/r, Apa/a/I/a ff/I/[7/'1'zzIa) or autumn (Allagmm/5 (12//qital/Iii‘, /1. /J1q/m'1'.r, A. me//dax, Me/a/2/pap/Jylax me/cmzpi/5). Some specimens have been found in the snow (P/Jilopa/ti- //11/5 /z/difica/1/5, Acrop/J_ii/{Ix zerberz/3', AZ/aga/1/1/5 ///£I1z1'zIx) and .ACI'0]J/JVVZIIX zerberz/5 has brachypteric males. The «sex ratio» favours the males. The zoogeographical balance shows a predominace of species with the European «sensu lato» distri- bution, followed by those with the central European mountain and Alpine distributions. The number of species with a larger distribution is limited. Of the Alpine species, the western endemics are 1\/Ia/zoceizlra /ep/'1/apfem of the Piedmontese Alps, the Apuanian Alps and the Ligurian Apennines; Plectroc/lei/1111 pines- mm of the Piedmontese and Ligurian Alps; R/Jyzzcop/Ji/41 rII'crmgeliIz(1, R. mz/izzrll} W70)‘;/Ialr/in zztz/iegnm maclac/J/mzz} C0/Ira/‘op/J_ii/ax pzkwzarzfa/21/5‘ of the Piedmontese Alps, U11 elenco faunistico dei Tricotteri delle Alpi Piemontesi e Valdostane e deducibile dalla «First list of Italian Trichoptera» (Moretti, Cianficconi 1981). Le specie elencate derivano in parte da citazioni bibliografiche (McLachlan 1874-80, 1884; Navas 1928, 1929, 1932, 1933; Moretti 1936, 1954; Moretti, Gianotti 1967; Moretti, Vigano, Vigano Taticchi 1976) e in parte da raccolte ancora inedite di GP. Moretti, M. Sala, S. Dorna (tesi di laurea 1977-78); G. Piottoli (tesi di laurea 1979-80). Alcuni reperti sono stati gentilrnente cornuni— cati (in litt.) dai tricotterologi L. Botosaneanu e H. Malicky.

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