
Caste is a term which is used to specift; a group of people having a specific social rank. The Indian term for caste is jiiti, and generally designates a group that can van; in size from a handful to many thousands. The various jiitis are traditionally arranged in hierarchical order and fit into one of the Jour basic varnas - Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and SUdras. In order to understand the beginning and growth of the caste system in India, historians and social scientists have propounded certain possibilities in their religious-mystical, biological and socio-historical theories. Sometimes the caste system is defended on the ground that it is but another name for division of labour. However, according to Ambedkar, practically it is a division of labourers. Ambedkar wants to set up a society where there would be no division of man. His socieh; would be based on Liberty, Equalih; and Fraternity. If we want to establish a just society, we have to abolish the caste system. Social disorder will continue until and unless we break the caste system which is a severe stigma in our society. Indians appear to have become more flexible in respect to caste based customs. It seems that the caste system has lost its hold among the urban people in India but is still prevalent among the rural people. Yet, inter-caste marriages seldom take place i11 urban areas and most of the cases have other intentions.

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