
Epidural administration of lidocaine may cause neurotoxicity in spinal cord dorsal root ganglia neurons (DRGNs). In this study, we explored the underling mechanisms of apoptotic pathways of lidocaine-induced apoptosis in DRGNs. Neonatal rat DRGNs were treated with lidocaine to induced apoptosis in vitro. Western blot showed caspase- (casp-) 2/3/9 proteins were all upregulated by lidocaine in DRGNs. However, inhibition of casp-2 protected lidocaine-induced apoptosis in DRGNs, whereas Casp3/9 inhibition did not. The possible upstream epigenetic regulators of casp-2, microRNA-34 (miR-34) family, including miR-34a/b/c, were evaluated by dual-luciferase reporter assay and qRT-PCR. We found miR-34a/c, but not miR-34b, were down-regulated in lidocaine-induced DRGN apoptosis. Subsequent upregulation of miR-34 family showed miR-34a/c were able to inhibit casp-2 and protect lidocaine-induced apoptosis in DRGNs, whereas miR-34b did not. Thus, out study shows that casp-2, in association with miR-34a/c was actively involved in lidocaine-induced apoptosis in DRGNs. Inhibiting casp-2 or upregulating miR-34a/c may provide novel meanings to protect local anesthetic-induced neurotoxicity.

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