
The present case is a 76-year-old man with normal intelligence, living in Isparta, Turkey. His parents, who are not alive, were consanguinous. His offspring, two siblings, and their offspring up to the third generation are all normal, so he presents as a sporadic case. He is 1.60 m tall. No abnormality was detected on roentgenograms of the chest, skull, vertebrae, and of all the long bones of the limbs. Roentgenograms of the pelvis showed bilateral narrowing of the sacrosciatic notches. The dermatoglyphic pattern of the palms and plantar regions manifested unusual creases but normal ridges. Abdominal sonography and laboratory tests, including hormone values and chromosome constitution, were all normal. Despite his anomaly he has fashioned a successful life (Fig. 1). Cutaneous syndactyly with polydactyly affecting the ulnar sides of the hands and the presence of variable length of fingers are shown on Fig. 2. Radiographs of the hands (Fig. 3) and feet (Fig. 4) demonstrate polydactyly of postaxial type (at the ulnar and fibular sides), absence or shortening of some phalanges, and shortening and deformity of the metacarpals and metatarsals. Capitate and hamate bones show fusion. The proximal row of carpals is normal. The cuboids are rather large and seem to be duplicated. The tarsal naviculars and medial cuneiforms appear grossly normal. Calcanei and tali are normal. The changes seem to be grossly symmetric. Besides these features an interesting finding is present showing that the radial epiphyseal lines and those of 1st metatarsals are still persistent despite the patient's age.

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